Fellow gamers, I would like to
bring up a very important topic that repeatedly finds its way back into the
news. Video game violence and how it influences the gamers who play them. Now
from some of the previous reviews that I have done, we all know that I like
some action in my games from time to time and I know we all fall into that
category in some way. I strongly disagree with the statement that games
influence us into acting out violent crimes or even becoming violent.
I play games to entertain myself,
kill time, or just flat out socialize with my wife or friends. Games bring us
together, even if we are bashing each other in or shooting each other with
guns. I get off of work from a long day and what do I do? That’s right, log
into Steam and fire up a game and most likely end up killing stuff. It’s like a
beer after work but instead I am playing a game instead.
When I was younger I used to have
issues with being angry and high strung a lot. Then I started playing stuff
like Mortal Kombat, DooM, Unreal Tournament, Duke Nukem 3D. The list actually
goes on. Through these games I was able to let out my anger or even life pain.
It was very calming and kept me out of a lot of trouble.
Please tell me your stories about
how games might have helped you out.