Tons of topics ranging from game, music and movie reviews. coding tips and tricks, guitars and bass (I play music so these do rock also)
Monday, November 26, 2012
DooM Retrospect
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
They Bleed Pixels Review
Home Review
Monday, November 5, 2012
Sorry for the Long Inactivity
Played a bunch of good stuff and have been very busy with Enguised Studios but this week I will put some much needed time aside to do a couple reviews and posts. Games that may be reviewed...
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War II
They Bleed Pixels
Age of Empires III
Dungeon Defenders
and possible others...........
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Lair of the Evil Doer Review
Basically you are an experiment that went wrong and then became defiant against it's master. Throughout the game the scientist (Evil Doer) mocks you and puts you down as being the worst experiment and other similar cut downs which lead to the games humor. The action itself is tons of fun, enemies you kill drop different variations of weapons which adds to the RPG element along with the leveling system that allows you to put points into gun strength, accuracy, and other common attributes. The game is not long but it does provide a good length of gameplay considering the low cost of $1.99.
The replay value is also pretty good considering that the levels are randomly generated each time you play through. You can find the game here ::
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
DLC Quest Review
Evil Quest Review
Here we go, as I promised a while ago lets go over a few pretty fun games that I recently played and enjoyed. Evil Quest will be the first.
Story Line: Well needless to say you actually play a bad guy in this one bent on destroying the world. I will not actually give any of the story away but needless to say it is a very interesting twist than your average RPG. Although I will say that it is very entertaining and kept my interest.
Gameplay: This is set up like an action RPG. You move your character around dodging enemy attacks and timing your actual attacks to hit your enemies. You can master melee and or magical attacks. I chose to go as a battle mage per se. They are very responsive and I did not notice anything really wrong with them.
GFX: They are well done for retro SNES style. The over all look is actually close to the old school SNES RPGs like Chrono Trigger and the Final Fantasy series. Nothing super special but it all wraps up very nicely. The bosses look sweet and most of the enemies look cool also.
Sound FX: Standard sounds but nothing that will turn you away from the game itself. They all fit in with the way the whole package is presented.
Overall: The game was very fun and enjoyable, the boss fights were awesome. The story was entertaining and the controls made it easy to enjoy the creation. Go to to learn more. It is $1.99 through Desura and is well worth the low cost and even more.
Chaosoft Games, well made game and props to the fun twist on the character. Keep up the excellent work.
DLC Quest will be the next review.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Just a Small off Topic Post
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Serious Sam Double D
Well what is there to say.......
If you ever played Serious Sam before (1st Encounter, 2nd Encounter or Serious Sam 2) then you kinda know what Serious Sam is all about, kicking ass and taking names alot later. Well SS Double D is a side scroller from a smaller Indie company than CroTeam (the ones that do all the FPS games). Well what they do is bring you the crazy, tons of enemy attacks and humor found in SS but make it 2D instead. The GFX are hand drawn beauty, sound effects are awesome, controls are very responsive and gameplay very addictive.
So is there any short coming in this release??? Yes, small and not so game breaking but yes. They try to make the over whelming aspect of enemies on screen at once happen just like in the 3D FPS games. Well it works and doesn't all at the same time. The major thing is that they either are coming from the left or right, so in most cases you can mow them down fairly quickly before they become too much of a threat. Like I said, not really game breaking but just a short coming from how they can use it in the 3D FPS games.
There are however 2 amazing things about this game. Bosses, and the Gun Stacker.
The bosses are beyond sick and 2D always has awesome bosses when done right, and they do them better than right. All of the enemies and bosses are fun and creative.
The Gun Stacker allows you to stack multiple guns onto each other (6 I believe total) at a time so you are using them all at once. Shooting a missile while shooting a shotgun and Tommy gun is just a sic experience. You collect the guns and find the stackers and then you can stack them.
So over all I will rate this game as well worth the purchase cost and guaranteed to burn through some hours while you enjoy some mass carnage.
Serious Sam 3 review coming soon.....
Friday, March 2, 2012
Blue-ray Goodness
Friday, January 27, 2012
Terminator : Salvation
If you like cover based games and you find this for less than $10, I would recommend this.
Watchmen – The End is Neigh : Pt1 & 2
The game was an in expensive purchase from Steam and I was looking at it for a little. Finally picked it up and gave it a try. First impression. GFX are impressive for a low costing game. Controls are very responsive and combos are also very easy. Story was a good and kept you playing to get to the next level. It was repetitive, but 1 thing I always say about Hack N’ Slash or Beat Em’ Up games is that you already know this going in and you are already into games that play like this. There are some puzzles to be solved to mix a little up. You can play as either Night Owl or as Rorschach. The game is co-op multi and when playing single player the other character is controlled by AI, which actually plays well.
I will say that the game reminded me of a more brutal (and shorter) version of the Batman Arkham Asylum game which by all means is actually a big compliment towards this game. So for what it’s worth, I enjoyed the game. Cheap price tag, Good short story (Both games combined are roughly 6-8 hours). And the controls were rock solid.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Quick Update
I will also be talking about a few other things but just thought I would post this as it has been a while since last post...